
85views more  CMA 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Bipanconnectivity of balanced hypercubes
Ming-Chien Yang
91views more  CMA 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Numerical approximation of electromagnetic signals arising in the evaluation of geological formations
The integration of complicated oscillatory functions arises in computational electromagnetics when evaluating signals produced by the propagation of electromagnetic radiation thro...
Alexandre Caboussat, G. K. Miers
183views more  CMA 2010»
13 years 11 months ago
Ramanujan's class invariants and their use in elliptic curve cryptography
Complex Multiplication (CM) method is a frequently used method for the generation of elliptic curves (ECs) over a prime field Fp. The most demanding and complex step of this metho...
Elisavet Konstantinou, Aristides Kontogeorgis
114views more  CMA 2010»
14 years 9 days ago
On enumeration of hypergroups of order 3
In this paper we present a symbolic manipulation package that enumerates the hypergroups of order 3. It separates them to isomorphic classes and calculates their cardinality. Key ...
Ch. Tsitouras, Ch. G. Massouros
87views more  CMA 2010»
14 years 9 days ago
A modified uniformization method for the solution of the chemical master equation
The chemical master equation is considered an accurate description of general chemical systems, and especially so for modeling cell cycle and gene regulatory networks. This paper ...
Jingwei Zhang, Layne T. Watson, Yang Cao
183views more  CMA 2010»
14 years 9 days ago
Improved Adomian decomposition method
: The Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) shows a very good ability in dealing with nonlinear differential equations but it is still have some drawbacks. In this paper, it is shown ...
Tamer A. Abassy
134views more  CMA 2010»
14 years 9 days ago
Particle tracking for fractional diffusion with two time scales
Abstract. Previous work [51] showed how to solve time-fractional diffusion equations by particle tracking. This paper extends the method to the case where the order of the fraction...
Mark M. Meerschaert, Yong Zhang, Boris Baeumer