Interactive web services are increasingly replacing traditional static web pages. Producing web services seems to require a tremendous amount of laborious lowlevel coding due to t...
CT The World Wide Web has since its beginning provided linking to and from text documents encoded in HTML. The Web has evolved and most Web browsers now support a rich set of media...
Streaming video on the World Wide Web is being widely deployed, and workplace training and distance education are key applications. The ability to annotate video on the Web can pr...
David Bargeron, Anoop Gupta, Jonathan Grudin, Eliz...
Traditional techniques for a distributed web server design rely on manipulation of central resources, such as routers or DNS services, to distribute requests designated for a sing...
The World-Wide Web provides remote access to pages using its own naming scheme (URLs), transfer protocol (HTTP), and cache algorithms. Not only does using these special-purpose me...
In this paper we analyze the behavior of e-commerce users based on actual logs from two large non-English e-brokers. We start by presenting a quantitative study of the behavior of...
Virgilio Almeida, Wagner Meira Jr., Victor F. Ribe...
We present a hit inflation attack on pay-per-click Web advertising schemes. Our attack is virtually impossible for the program provider to detect conclusively, regardless of wheth...
Vinod Anupam, Alain J. Mayer, Kobbi Nissim, Benny ...
Today's Internet appliances feature user interface technologies almost unknown a few years ago: touch screens, styli, handwriting and voice recognition, speech synthesis, tin...
Marc Abrams, Constantinos Phanouriou, Alan L. Bato...
This paper presents a study of web content adaptation to improve server overload performance, as well as an implementation of a web content adaptation software prototype. When the...