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The search task and the system both affect the demand on cognitive resources during information search. In some situations, the demands may become too high for a person. This arti...
Well-designed interfaces use procedural and sensory cues to increase the salience of appropriate actions and intentions. However, empirical studies suggest that cognitive load can...
Rimvydas Ruksenas, Jonathan Back, Paul Curzon, Ann...
In numerous experimental contexts, gesturing has been shown to lighten a speaker's cognitive load. However, in all of these experimental paradigms, the gestures have been dir...
With a focus on presenting information at the right time, the ubicomp community can benefit greatly from learning the most salient human measures of cognitive load. Cognitive load...
Eija Haapalainen, Seungjun Kim, Jodi Forlizzi, Ani...
In human sentence processing, cognitive load can be defined many ways. This report considers a definition of cognitive load in terms of the total probability of structural options...
Performance and preference measures are commonly used in the assessment of visualization techniques. This is important and useful in understanding differences in effectiveness bet...
: Recently, instructional videos are widely being used in educational settings. Many researches have proposed the construction of video-based learning environments that reflect Cog...
The pupil-measuring capability of video eye trackers can detect the task-evoked pupillary response: subtle changes in pupil size which indicate cognitive load. We performed severa...
In an experimental environment, we simulated the situation of a user who gives speech input to a system while walking through an airport. The time pressure on the subjects and the ...
Mobile usage patterns often entail high and fluctuating levels of difficulty as well as dual tasking. One major theme explored in this research is whether a flexible multimodal in...
Sharon L. Oviatt, Rachel Coulston, Rebecca Lunsfor...