
13 years 11 months ago
An Empirical Architecture for Verb Subcategorization Frame - a Lexicon for a Real-world Scale Japanese-English Interlingual MT
The verb subcategorization frame information plays a major role of disambiguations in many NLP applications. Japanese, however, imposes difficulties of subcategorizing in part bec...
Naoyuki Nomura, Kazunori Muraki
13 years 11 months ago
Prepositional Phrase Attachment Through A Hybrid Disambiguation Model
Prepositional phrase attachment is a major cause of stru(:tural alnbiguity in natural language. Recent work has been dependent on corpus-based approaches to deal with this problem...
Haodong Wu, Teiji Furugori
13 years 11 months ago
Segmenting Sentences into Linky Strings Using D-bigram Statistics
It is obvious that segmentation takes an important role in natural language processing(NLP), especially for the languages whose sentences are not easily separated into morphemes. ...
Shiho Nobesawa, Junya Tsutsumi, Sun Da Jiang, Tomo...
13 years 11 months ago
Virtual Polysemy
We present an approach to lexical knowledge representation where different uses of the same word can be conflated into a single meta-entry which encodes regnlarities about sense/u...
Antonio Sanfilippo, Kerima Benkerimi, Dagmar Dwehu...
13 years 11 months ago
Tagging Spoken Language Using Written Language Statistics
This paper reports on two experiments with a probabilistic part-of-speech tagger, trained on a tagged corpus of written Swedish, being used to tag a corpus of (transcribed) spoken...
Joakim Nivre, Leif Gronqvist, Malin Gustafsson, To...