A consistent text contains rich inforlnation for resolving mnbiguities within its sentences. Even simple syntactic information such as word occurrence and collocation patterns, wh...
One of the problems in part-of-speech tagging of real-word texts is that of unknown to the lexicon words. In (Mikheev, 1996), a technique for fully unsupervised statistical acquis...
This paper classifies distinctive phenomena occurring in Japanese spontaneous speech, and proposes a grammar and processing techniques for handling them. Parsers using a grammar f...
The paper is a first attempt to fill a gap in the dependency literature, by providing a mathematical result on the complexity of recognition with a dependency grammar. The paper d...
A theoryof interlanguage(IL)lexiconsis outlined,with emphasis on IL lexical entries, based on the HPSG notion of lexical sign. This theory accounts for idiosyncratic or lexical tr...
In this paper, we define the notion of a preventative expression and discuss a corpus study of such expressions in instructional text. We discuss our coding schema, which takes in...