
13 years 4 months ago
Extracting and Ranking Product Features in Opinion Documents
An important task of opinion mining is to extract people's opinions on features of an entity. For example, the sentence, "I love the GPS function of Motorola Droid"...
Lei Zhang, Bing Liu, Suk Hwan Lim, Eamonn O'Brien-...
13 years 4 months ago
Dependency-Based Bracketing Transduction Grammar for Statistical Machine Translation
In this paper, we propose a novel dependency-based bracketing transduction grammar for statistical machine translation, which converts a source sentence into a target dependency t...
Jinsong Su, Yang Liu, Haitao Mi, Hongmei Zhao, Yaj...
13 years 4 months ago
Kernel-based Reranking for Named-Entity Extraction
We present novel kernels based on structured and unstructured features for reranking the N-best hypotheses of conditional random fields (CRFs) applied to entity extraction. The fo...
Truc-Vien T. Nguyen, Alessandro Moschitti, Giusepp...
13 years 4 months ago
Enhanced Sentiment Learning Using Twitter Hashtags and Smileys
Automated identification of diverse sentiment types can be beneficial for many NLP systems such as review summarization and public media analysis. In some of these systems there i...
Dmitry Davidov, Oren Tsur, Ari Rappoport
13 years 4 months ago
Learning to Annotate Scientific Publications
Annotating scientific publications with keywords and phrases is of great importance to searching, indexing, and cataloging such documents. Unlike previous studies that focused on ...
Minlie Huang, Zhiyong Lu
13 years 4 months ago
Phrase Structure Parsing with Dependency Structure
In this paper we present a novel phrase structure parsing approach with the help of dependency structure. Different with existing phrase parsers, in our approach the inference pro...
Zhiguo Wang, Chengqing Zong
13 years 4 months ago
Composition of Semantic Relations: Model and Applications
This paper presents a framework for combining semantic relations extracted from text to reveal even more semantics that otherwise would be missed. A set of 26 relations is introdu...
Eduardo Blanco 0002, Hakki C. Cankaya, Dan I. Mold...
13 years 4 months ago
Improved Unsupervised Sentence Alignment for Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Parallel Corpora
We address the problem of unsupervised and language-pair independent alignment of symmetrical and asymmetrical parallel corpora. Asymmetrical parallel corpora contain a large prop...
Fabienne Braune, Alexander Fraser
13 years 4 months ago
Morphological Analysis Can Improve a CCG Parser for English
Because English is a low morphology language, current statistical parsers tend to ignore morphology and accept some level of redundancy. This paper investigates how costly such re...
Matthew Honnibal, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, James R....
13 years 4 months ago
A Multi-Domain Web-Based Algorithm for POS Tagging of Unknown Words
We present a web-based algorithm for the task of POS tagging of unknown words (words appearing only a small number of times in the training data of a supervised POS tagger). When ...
Shulamit Umansky-Pesin, Roi Reichart, Ari Rappopor...