We consider a natural framework of learning from correlated data, in which successive examples used for learning are generated according to a random walk over the space of possibl...
Ariel Elbaz, Homin K. Lee, Rocco A. Servedio, Andr...
The paper deals with the following problem: is returning to wrong conjectures necessary to achieve full power of algorithmic learning? Returning to wrong conjectures complements t...
Lorenzo Carlucci, Sanjay Jain, Efim B. Kinber, Fra...
Abstract. There has been growing interest in practice in using unlabeled data together with labeled data in machine learning, and a number of different approaches have been develo...
We study the problem of learning a kernel which minimizes a regularization error functional such as that used in regularization networks or support vector machines. We consider thi...
Andreas Argyriou, Charles A. Micchelli, Massimilia...
We consider the problem of learning a hypergraph using edge-detecting queries. In this model, the learner may query whether a set of vertices induces an edge of the hidden hypergr...
In recent years manifold methods have attracted a considerable amount of attention in machine learning. However most algorithms in that class may be termed “manifold-motivatedâ€...
The problem of ranking, in which the goal is to learn a real-valued ranking function that induces a ranking or ordering over an instance space, has recently gained attention in mac...