The K-means clustering problem seeks to partition the columns of a data matrix in subsets, such that columns in the same subset are ‘close’ to each other. The co-clustering pr...
Evangelos E. Papalexakis, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos
This paper studies the “explanation problem” for tree- and linearly-ordered array data, a problem motivated by database applications and recently solved for the one-dimensiona...
Howard J. Karloff, Flip Korn, Konstantin Makaryche...
This paper considers the problem of matrix completion, when some number of the columns are arbitrarily corrupted, potentially by a malicious adversary. It is well-known that stand...
In this paper, we describe a main memory hybrid database system called HYRISE, which automatically partitions tables into vertical partitions of varying widths depending on how th...
This paper describes a new hybrid method based on the application of the Population Training Algorithm (PTA) and linear programming (LP) for generation of schedules for drivers in...
The problem of biclustering consists of the simultaneous clustering of rows and columns of a matrix such that each of the submatrices induced by a pair of row and column clusters ...
We consider the multiple shift scheduling problem modelled as a covering problem. Such problems are characterized by a constraint matrix that has in every column blocks of consecu...
We define incidence matrices to be zero-one matrices with no zero rows or columns. We are interested in counting incidence matrices with a given number of ones, irrespective of th...
Let NF(n, k, r) denote the maximum number of columns in an n-row matrix with entries in a finite field F in which each column has at most r nonzero entries and every k columns are...
A 0-1 matrix has the Consecutive Ones Property (C1P) if there is a permutation of its columns that leaves the 1’s consecutive in each row. The Consecutive Ones Submatrix (C1S) p...