
13 years 8 months ago
Graph Clustering for Keyword Search
Keyword search on data represented as graphs, is receiving lot of attention in recent years. Initial versions of keyword search systems assumed that the graph is memory resident. ...
Rose Catherine K., S. Sudarshan
13 years 8 months ago
Consistency of Databases on Commodity Disk Drives
Most database systems use ARIES-like logging and recovery scheme to recover from failures and guarantee transactional consistency. ARIES relies on the Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) pr...
Robin Dhamankar, Hanuma Kodavalla, Vishal Kathuria
13 years 8 months ago
Vector-based Ranking Techniques for Identifying the Topical Anchors of a Context
Terms in textual documents tend to occur more in contexts to which they are related. We can exploit this bias by modelling terms and their cooccurrences s, resembling the abstract...
Aditya Ramana Rachakonda, Srinath Srinivasa
13 years 8 months ago
Trust-Based Infinitesimals for Enhanced Collaborative Filtering
In this paper we propose a novel recommender system which enhances user-based collaborative filtering by using a trust-based social network. Our main idea is to use infinitesimal ...
Maria Chowdhury, Alex Thomo, William W. Wadge
13 years 8 months ago
Epsilon Equitable Partition: A positional analysis method for large social networks
Positional analysis is considered an important tool in the analysis of social networks. It involves partitioning of the set of actors into subsets such that actors in a subset are...
Kiran Kate, Balaraman Ravindran
13 years 8 months ago
Variations and Trends in Hot Topics in News Feeds
We describe improved mechanisms to accurately classify days when news for topics receive unexpectedly high amount of coverage. We further investigate the factors which influence t...
Raghvendra Mall, Neeraj Bagdia, Vikram Pudi
13 years 8 months ago
Querying for relations from the semi-structured Web
We present a class of web queries whose result is a multi-column relation instead of a collection of unstructured documents as in standard web search. The user specifies the query...
Sunita Sarawagi
13 years 8 months ago
A Simple and Efficient Lane Detection using Clustering and Weighted Regression
Developing a vision based, efficient and automatic lane detection system from a moving vehicle is a challenging task mainly due to poor quality of lane markings, occlusion created...
Rudra N. Hota, Shahanaz Syed, Subhadip Bandyopadhy...