The permanent-determinant method and its generalization, the HafnianPfaffian method, are methods to enumerate perfect matchings of plane graphs that were discovered by P. W. Kaste...
New lower bounds for 15 classical Ramsey numbers are established. Several of the colorings are found using a new variation of local search heuristics. Several others are found usi...
Based on a recent improvement of the inclusion-exclusion principle, we present a new approach to network reliability problems. In particular, we give a new proof of a result of Sh...
The paper gives a matrix-free presentation of the correspondence between full-length linear codes and projective multisets. It generalizes the BrouwerVan Eupen construction that t...
The Galois number Gn(q) is defined to be the number of subspaces of the n-dimensional vector space over the finite field GF(q). When q is prime, we prove that Gn(q) is equal to...
: Following Frankl and F¨uredi [1] we say a family, F, of subsets of an n-set is weakly union-free if F does not contain four distinct sets A, B, C, D with A ∪ B = C ∪ D. If i...
The aim of this paper is to give a coherent account of the problem of constructing cubic graphs with large girth. There is a well-defined integer µ0(g), the smallest number of v...