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We construct efficient universally composable oblivious transfer protocols in the multi-party setting for honest majorities. Unlike previous proposals our protocols are designed in...
Abstract. We propose and realize a definition of security for passwordbased key exchange within the framework of universally composable (UC) security, thus providing security guar...
Ran Canetti, Shai Halevi, Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Li...
Pass observed that universal composable zero-knowledge (UCZK) protocols in the common reference string (CRS) model, where a common reference string is selected trustily by a truste...
Ring signatures, introduced by Rivest, Shamir and Tauman, enable a user to sign a message anonymously on behalf of a “ring”. A ring is a group of users, which includes the sign...
The Common Reference String (CRS) model equips all protocol participants with a common string that is sampled from a pre-specified distribution, say the uniform distribution. Thi...
d Abstract) Ran Canetti Yehuda Lindell Rafail Ostrovsky Amit Sahai? We show how to securely realize any multi-party functionality in a universally composable way, regardless of th...
Ran Canetti, Yehuda Lindell, Rafail Ostrovsky, Ami...
We propose a modification to the framework of Universally Composable (UC) security [3]. Our new notion, involves comparing the protocol executions with an ideal execution involvin...
It is proved that several interactive proof systems are zero-knowledge against general quantum attacks. This includes the Goldreich?Micali?Wigderson classical zero-knowledge proto...