
13 years 7 months ago
You can't get there from here: Sensor scheduling with refocusing delays
We study a problem in which a single sensor is scheduled to observe sites periodically, motivated by applications in which the goal is to maintain up-to-date readings for all the o...
Yosef Alayev, Amotz Bar-Noy, Matthew P. Johnson, L...
118views Communications» more  MASS 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
Implementation and evaluation of distance-based message authentication
A new generation of WSN communication transceivers are now available that support time-of-flight distance measurement. This measurement can be inseparably integrated with message t...
Antony Chung, Utz Roedig
159views Communications» more  MASS 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
Real-time indoor mapping for mobile robots with limited sensing
Abstract--Mapping and localization for indoor robotic navigation is a well-studied field. However, existing work largely relies on long range perceptive sensors in addition to the ...
Ying Zhang, Juan Liu, Gabriel Hoffmann, Mark Quill...
181views Communications» more  MASS 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
Perfectly anonymous data aggregation in wireless sensor networks
Clustering and data aggregation in wireless sensor networks improves scalability, and helps the efficient use of scarce resources. Yet, these mechanisms also introduce some securi...
Levente Buttyán, Tamás Holczer
13 years 7 months ago
Quality of Service Oriented Analysis of Cross-Layer Design in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Abstract. In wireless ad hoc networks, cross-layer design aims at reducing multiple access interference and thus obtaining a higher spatial reuse. In order to identify the most sui...
Ulrike Korger, Christian Hartmann, Katsutoshi Kusu...
161views Communications» more  IWRT 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
RFID-assisted Product Delivery in Sustainable Supply Chains: A Knowledge-based Approach
The paper proposes an integrated framework which uses knowledge representation theory and languages to annotate relevant product information in a semantically rich and unambiguous ...
Michele Ruta, Floriano Scioscia, Eugenio Di Sciasc...
178views Communications» more  IWRT 2010»
13 years 7 months ago
CSMA Multi-stage Anti-collision Protocol for Active RFID Systems
Current anti-collision protocols for active RFID systems stem from the ISO-18000-7 standard, which selects Frame Slotted Aloha as the underlying Medium Access Control protocol. How...
Alejandro Palomo-López, M. Victoria Bueno-D...
13 years 7 months ago
An achievable rate of large block-fading MIMO systems with no CSI via successive decoding
Abstract--A Rayleigh block-fading multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) channel with channel state information (CSI) available neither to the transmitter nor to the receiver is cons...
Keigo Takeuchi, Ralf R. Müller, Mikko Vehkape...
13 years 7 months ago
Outage analysis and optimal power allocation for network-coding-based hybrid AF and DF
Network coding was proposed to increase the achievable throughput of multicast in a network. Recently, combining network coding into user cooperation has attracted research attenti...
Jooha Bek, Jaeyoung Lee, Jun Heo