Abstract—We provide a formal model for the Change Management process for Enterprise IT systems, and develop change scheduling algorithms that seek to attain the “change capacit...
Abstract—We consider a cognitive radio network where multiple secondary users (SUs) contend for spectrum usage, using random access, over available primary user (PU) channels. Ou...
—A fundamental challenge of managing mutable data replication in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system is how to efficiently maintain consistency under various sharing patterns with heter...
We investigate the price of anarchy of a load balancing game with K dispatchers. The service rates and holding costs are assumed to depend on the server, and the service disciplin...
Abstract—We propose an active probing method, called Differential Probing or DiffProbe, to detect whether an access ISP is deploying forwarding mechanisms such as priority schedu...
Abstract—Accurate indoor pedestrian tracking has wide applications in the healthcare, retail, and entertainment industries. However, existing approaches to indoor tracking have v...
—We investigate the design of a clean-slate control and nt plane for data networks using the abstraction of 4D architecture, utilizing and extending 4D’s concept of logically c...
Abstract—This paper identifies the possibility of using electronic compasses and accelerometers in mobile phones, as a simple and scalable method of localization without war-dri...
Ionut Constandache, Romit Roy Choudhury, Injong Rh...
—Throughput capacity in wireless ad hoc networks has been studied extensively under many different mobility models such as i.i.d. mobility model, Brownian mobility model, random ...