
78views more  TIT 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Stationary Markov Random Fields on a Finite Rectangular Lattice
—This paper provides a complete characterization of stationary Markov random fields on a finite rectangular (nontoroidal) lattice in the basic case of a second-order neighborho...
Fréderic Champagnat, Jérôme Id...
107views more  JANCL 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Distributed knowledge
ABSTRACT. This paper provides a complete characterization of epistemic models in which distributed knowledge complies with the principle of full communication [HOE 99, GER 99]. It ...
Floris Roelofsen
77views more  JGT 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Graph classes characterized both by forbidden subgraphs and degree sequences
: Given a set F of graphs, a graph G is F-free if G does not contain any member of F as an induced subgraph. We say that F is a degree-sequence-forcing set if, for each graph G in ...
Michael D. Barrus, Mohit Kumbhat, Stephen G. Hartk...
14 years 4 months ago
A Characterization of Interventional Distributions in Semi-Markovian Causal Models
We offer a complete characterization of the set of distributions that could be induced by local interventions on variables governed by a causal Bayesian network of unknown structu...
Jin Tian, Changsung Kang, Judea Pearl
14 years 5 months ago
Unbounded verification, falsification, and characterization of security protocols by pattern refinement
We present a new verification algorithm for security protocols that allows for unbounded verification, falsification, and complete characterization. The algorithm provides a numbe...
Cas J. F. Cremers