Batch verification of digital signatures is used to improve the computational complexity when a large number of digital signatures must be verified. Lee at al. [2] proposed a new ...
Many classes of graphs where the vertex coloring problem is polynomially solvable are known, the most prominent being the class of perfect graphs. However, the list-coloring proble...
We review complexity results for minimizing polynomials over the standard simplex and unit hypercube. In addition, we derive new results on the computational complexity of approxi...
Abstract--Promising approaches for efficient detection in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems are based on sphere-decoding (SD). The conventional (and optimum) n...
Autoepistemic logic extends propositional logic by the modal operator L. A formula that is preceded by an L is said to be "believed". The logic was introduced by Moore ...
Nadia Creignou, Arne Meier, Michael Thomas, Heribe...
Maximum likelihood estimators are often of limited practical use due to the intensive computation they require. We propose a family of alternative estimators that maximize a stoch...
We examine the verification of simple quantifiers in natural language from a computational model perspective. We refer to previous neuropsychological investigations of the same pr...
We investigate the computational complexity of deciding whether a given inference rule is admissible for some modal and superintuitionistic logics. We state a broad condition unde...
Abduction is a fundamental form of nonmonotonic reasoning that aims at finding explanations for observed manifestations. This process underlies many applications, from car configu...
When agents are acting together, they may need a simple mechanism to decide on joint actions. One possibility is to have the agents express their preferences in the form of a ballo...