
13 years 11 months ago
Kernels on Linguistic Structures for Answer Extraction
Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Information Retrieval has always been an interesting and challenging research area. Despite the high expectations, most of the results indica...
Alessandro Moschitti, Silvia Quarteroni
13 years 11 months ago
Efficient Processing of Underspecified Discourse Representations
Underspecification-based algorithms for processing partially disambiguated discourse structure must cope with extremely high numbers of readings. Based on previous work on dominan...
Michaela Regneri, Markus Egg, Alexander Koller
13 years 11 months ago
Adding Noun Phrase Structure to the Penn Treebank
The Penn Treebank does not annotate within base noun phrases (NPs), committing only to flat structures that ignore the complexity of English NPs. This means that tools trained on...
David Vadas, James R. Curran
13 years 11 months ago
In-Browser Summarisation: Generating Elaborative Summaries Biased Towards the Reading Context
We investigate elaborative summarisation, where the aim is to identify supplementary information that expands upon a key fact. We envisage such summaries being useful when browsin...
Stephen Wan, Cécile Paris
13 years 11 months ago
Arabic Morphological Tagging, Diacritization, and Lemmatization Using Lexeme Models and Feature Ranking
We investigate the tasks of general morphological tagging, diacritization, and lemmatization for Arabic. We show that for all tasks we consider, both modeling the lexeme explicitl...
Ryan Roth, Owen Rambow, Nizar Habash, Mona T. Diab...
13 years 11 months ago
Opinion Mining using Econometrics: A Case Study on Reputation Systems
Deriving the polarity and strength of opinions is an important research topic, attracting significant attention over the last few years. In this work, to measure the strength and...
Anindya Ghose, Panagiotis G. Ipeirotis, Arun Sunda...
13 years 11 months ago
Active Sample Selection for Named Entity Transliteration
This paper introduces a new method for identifying named-entity (NE) transliterations within bilingual corpora. Current state-of-theart approaches usually require annotated data a...
Dan Goldwasser, Dan Roth
13 years 11 months ago
Decompounding query keywords from compounding languages
Splitting compound words has proved to be useful in areas such as Machine Translation, Speech Recognition or Information Retrieval (IR). Furthermore, real-time IR systems (such as...
Enrique Alfonseca, Slaven Bilac, Stefan Pharies