
14 years 6 days ago
Predicted and Observed User Behavior in the Weakest-link Security Game
We aim to advance the understanding of individual security decision-making, by combining formal and behavioral analysis. We sketch a game-theoretic model of security decision-maki...
Jens Grossklags, Nicolas Christin, John Chuang
14 years 6 days ago
Understanding Privacy Settings in Facebook with an Audience View
Users of online social networking communities are disclosing large amounts of personal information, putting themselves at a variety of risks. Our ongoing research investigates mec...
Heather Richter Lipford, Andrew Besmer, Jason Wats...
14 years 6 days ago
Centered Discretization with Application to Graphical Passwords
Discretization is used in click-based graphical passwords so that approximately correct entries can be accepted by the system. We show that the existing discretization scheme of B...
Sonia Chiasson, Jayakumar Srinivasan, Robert Biddl...
14 years 6 days ago
Ad-hoc Guesting: When Exceptions Are the Rule
People's work days are filled with exceptions to normal routine. These exceptions affect the security and privacy of their information access and sharing. In a recent ethnogr...
Brinda Dalal, Les Nelson, Diana K. Smetters, Natha...
14 years 6 days ago
A User Study Design for Comparing the Security of Registration Protocols
We present the design of a user study for comparing the security of two registration mechanisms for initializing credentials in machine authentication protocols, such as SiteKey. ...
Chris Karlof, J. Doug Tygar, David Wagner
14 years 6 days ago
iPhish: Phishing Vulnerabilities on Consumer Electronics
As consumer electronic devices with embedded browsers become popular, financial institutions and online merchants set up websites to accommodate visitors using these devices. Thes...
Yuan Niu, Francis Hsu, Hao Chen
14 years 6 days ago
IRBs and Security Research: Myths, Facts and Mission Creep
Having decided to focus attention on the "weak link" of human fallibility, a growing number of security researchers are discovering the US Government's regulations ...
Simson L. Garfinkel
14 years 6 days ago
Catching Instant Messaging Worms with Change-Point Detection Techniques
Instant messaging (IM) systems have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. The increasing number of IM users has lured malware authors to develop more worms and viruses that ...
Guanhua Yan, Zhen Xiao, Stephan Eidenbenz
14 years 6 days ago
Peeking into Spammer Behavior from a Unique Vantage Point
Understanding the spammer behavior is a critical step in the long-lasting battle against email spams. Previous studies have focused on setting up honeypots or email sinkholes cont...
Abhinav Pathak, Y. Charlie Hu, Zhuoqing Morley Mao