Abstract. We develop a variant of Gordon and Hankin's concurrent object calculus with support for flexible access control on methods. We investigate safe administration and ac...
A stochastic graph game is played by two players on a game graph with probabilistic transitions. We consider stochastic graph games with -regular winning conditions specified as Ra...
Event structures have been used for giving true concurrent semantics to languages and models of concurrency such as CCS, Petri nets and graph grammars. Although certain nominal cal...
Several applications of graph rewriting systems (notably, some encodings of calculi with name passing) require rules which, besides deleting and generating graph items, are able to...
Abstract. We present a new method for proving liveness and termination properties for fair concurrent programs, which does not rely on finding a ranking function or on computing th...
Parosh Aziz Abdulla, Bengt Jonsson, Ahmed Rezine, ...
Abstract. We consider the control problem for timed automata against specifications given as MTL formulas. The logic MTL is a linear-time timed temporal logic which extends LTL wit...
Patricia Bouyer, Laura Bozzelli, Fabrice Chevalier