In this paper, we examine the issues of workflow mapping and execution in opportunistic environments such as the grid. As applications become ever more complex, the process of cho...
Ewa Deelman, Tevfik Kosar, Carl Kesselman, Miron L...
In this paper we propose a Grid Workflow Infrastructure, which serves as the base for specifying and executing collaborative interactive workflows within computational grids. The ...
e a set of very distinctive abstractions that result in significant modifications of the basic workflow model as outlined in pre-existing workflow model, see [2] for example. In pa...
Francisco Curbera, Rania Khalaf, William Nagy, San...
Significant progress has been made in the design and development of Grid middleware which, in its present form, is founded on service-oriented architecture and web services techno...
Geoff Coulson, Paul Grace, Gordon S. Blair, Wei Ca...