
14 years 28 days ago
Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection
This paper presents a probabilistic model for sense disambiguation which chooses the best sense based on the conditional probability of sense paraphrases given a context. We use a...
Linlin Li, Benjamin Roth, Caroline Sporleder
114views more  TNN 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Bayesian retrieval in associative memories with storage errors
Abstract—It is well known that for finite-sized networks, onestep retrieval in the autoassociative Willshaw net is a suboptimal way to extract the information stored in the syna...
Friedrich T. Sommer, Peter Dayan
81views more  AML 2005»
14 years 2 months ago
A logical and algebraic treatment of conditional probability
This paper is devoted to a logical and algebraic treatment of conditional probability. The main ideas are the use of non-standard probabilities and of some kind of standard part f...
Tommaso Flaminio, Franco Montagna
134views more  IGPL 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Coherent Conditional Probability in a Fuzzy Logic Setting
Very recently, a (fuzzy modal) logic to reason about coherent conditional probability, in the sense of de Finetti, has been introduced by the authors. Under this approach, a condi...
Lluis Godo, Enrico Marchioni
14 years 4 months ago
Measure-Free Conditioning, Probability and Non-Monotonic Reasoning
Recent results in the foundations of probability theory indicate that a conditional probability can be viewed as a probability attached to a mathematical entity called a measure-f...
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade
14 years 4 months ago
Decomposing Local Probability Distributions in Bayesian Networks for Improved Inference and Parameter Learning
A major difficulty in building Bayesian network models is the size of conditional probability tables, which grow exponentially in the number of parents. One way of dealing with th...
Adam Zagorecki, Mark Voortman, Marek J. Druzdzel
14 years 8 months ago
A probabilistic approach to default reasoning
A logic is defined which in addition to propositional calculus contains several types of probabilistic operators which are applied only to propositional formulas. For every s ∈...
Miodrag Raskovic, Zoran Ognjanovic, Zoran Markovic
14 years 8 months ago
Sparseness Versus Estimating Conditional Probabilities: Some Asymptotic Results
One of the nice properties of kernel classifiers such as SVMs is that they often produce sparse solutions. However, the decision functions of these classifiers cannot always be u...
Peter L. Bartlett, Ambuj Tewari
15 years 4 months ago
Probabilistic Boosting-Tree: Learning Discriminative Models for Classification, Recognition, and Clustering
In this paper, a new learning framework?probabilistic boosting-tree (PBT), is proposed for learning two-class and multi-class discriminative models. In the learning stage, the pro...
Zhuowen Tu