
71views more  ECCC 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm is false
Let p be a fixed prime number, and N be a large integer. The ’Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm’ states that if the ”d-th Gowers norm” of a function f : FN p → F i...
Shachar Lovett, Roy Meshulam, Alex Samorodnitsky
64views more  JCT 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Inequalities between Littlewood-Richardson coefficients
We prove that a conjecture of Fomin, Fulton, Li, and Poon, associated to ordered pairs of partitions, holds for many infinite families of such pairs. We also show that the bounded ...
François Bergeron, Riccardo Biagioli, Merce...
123views more  DM 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Totally anti-symmetric quasigroups for all orders n =/ 2, 6
A quasigroup (Q, ∗) is called totally anti-symmetric if (c ∗ x) ∗ y = (c ∗ y) ∗ x ⇒ x = y and x∗y = y∗x ⇒ x = y. A totally anti-symmetric quasigroup can be used ...
H. Michael Damm
114views more  JAPLL 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
The monadic second-order logic of graphs XV: On a conjecture by D. Seese
A conjecture by D. Seese states that if a set of graphs has a decidable monadic second-order theory, then it is the image of a set of trees under a transformation defined by monad...
Bruno Courcelle
96views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Graphs with full rank 3-color matrix and few 3-colorings
We exhibit a a counterexample to a conjecture of Thomassen stating that the number of distinct 3-colorings of every graph whose 3color matrix has full column rank is superpolynomi...
Serguei Norine, Jean-Sébastien Sereni
109views more  JCT 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Spanning 3-colourable subgraphs of small bandwidth in dense graphs
A conjecture by Bollob
Julia Böttcher, Mathias Schacht, Anusch Taraz
135views more  DM 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Berge's conjecture on directed path partitions - a survey
Berge's conjecture from 1982 on path partitions in directed graphs generalizes and extends Dilworth's Theorem and the Greene-Kleitman Theorem which are well known for pa...
Irith Ben-Arroyo Hartman
84views more  DM 2006»
14 years 2 months ago
Hamilton cycles in digraphs of unitary matrices
We conjecture new sufficient conditions for a digraph to have a Hamilton cycle. In view of applications, the conjecture is of interest in the areas where unitary matrices are of i...
Gregory Gutin, Arash Rafiey, Simone Severini, Ande...
88views more  ENDM 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Stars and Bonds in Crossing-Critical Graphs
The structure of all known infinite families of crossing
Petr Hlinený, Gelasio Salazar
14 years 3 months ago
Coloring squares of planar graphs with girth six
Wang and Lih conjectured that for every g 5, there exists a number M(g) such that the square of a planar graph G of girth at least g and maximum degree M(g) is (+1)-colorable. ...
Zdenek Dvorak, Daniel Král, Pavel Nejedl&ya...