A coloring is proper if each color class induces connected components of order one (where the order of a graph is its number of vertices). Here we study relaxations of proper two-c...
We address the topic of real-time analysis and recognition of silhouettes. The method that we propose first produces object features obtained by a new type of morphological operato...
We describe a kinetic data structure (KDS) that maintains the connected components of the union of a set of unit-radius disks moving in the plane. We assume that the motion of eac...
Leonidas J. Guibas, John Hershberger, Subhash Suri...
Abstract. Semi-algebraic sets occur naturally when dealing with implicit models and boolean operations between them. In this work we present an algorithm to efficiently and in a ce...
We study the problem of how resilient networks are to node faults. Specifically, we investigate the question of how many faults a network can sustain and still contain a large (i...
A sparse representation based method is proposed for text detection from scene images. We start with edge information extracted using Canny operator and then group these edge poin...