Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Constraint Logic Programming over finite domains (CLP(FD)) are two declarative programming paradigms that have been extensively used to encode ap...
Agostino Dovier, Andrea Formisano, Enrico Pontelli
In constraint logic programming, proof procedures for Horn clauses are enhanced with an interface to efficient constraint solvers. In this paper we show how to incorporate constra...
Abstract. We present an integration of answer set programming and constraint processing as an interesting approach to constraint logic programming. Although our research is in a ve...
We present the design and the implementation of clp(B): a boolean constraint solver inside the Constraint Logic Programming paradigm. This solver is based on local propagation meth...
Abstract: This paper describes the application of CLP (constraint logic programming) to several digital circuit design problems. It is shown that logic programming together with ef...
In many applications, such as decision support, negotiation, planning, scheduling, etc., one needs to express requirements that can only be partially satisfied. In order to expres...
A new scheduling agent for existing CIM multi-agent system is being currently developed at the Technical University of Kosice. The basic idea is to create an agent based on Schedu...
Visualization of program executions has been found useful in applications which include education and debugging. However, traditional visualization techniques often fall short of ...
In this paper we propose a hybrid system that bridges the gap between traditional image processing methods, used for low-level object recognition, and abductive constraint logic pr...
Abstract. Twelf is a meta-logical framework for the specification, implementation, and meta-theory of deductive systems from the theory of programming languages and logics. It rel...