The integration of constraint solvers into proof planning has pushed the problem solving horizon. Proof planning benefits from the general functionalities of a constraint solver s...
We describe in this paper the GNU-Prolog system, a free system consisting of a Prolog compiler and a constraint solver on finite domains. GNU-Prolog is based on a low-level mini-...
As a case study that illustrates our view on coordination and component-based software engineering, we present the design and implementation of a parallel constraint solver. The pa...
In order to apply constraint programming to a particular domain, the problem must first be modelled as a constraint satisfaction problem. There are typically many alternative mode...
We present a novel approach to optimize scope-bounded checking programs using a relational constraint solver. Given a program and its correctness specification, the traditional app...
Constrained random simulation is the main workhorse in today’s hardware verification flows. It requires the random generation of input stimuli that obey a set of declaratively...