
93views more  JAT 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Approximation theorems for group valued functions
Stone-Weierstrass-type theorems for groups of group-valued functions with discrete range or discrete domain are obtained. We study criteria for a subgroup of the group of continuou...
Jorge Galindo, Manuel Sanchis
192views Education» more  DM 2011»
13 years 10 months ago
Coding discretizations of continuous functions
We consider several coding discretizations of continuous functions which reflect their variation at some given precision. We study certain statistical and combinatorial properties...
Cristobal Rojas, Serge Troubetzkoy
146views more  DCG 2010»
14 years 8 days ago
An Elementary Deduction of the Topological Radon Theorem from Borsuk-Ulam
Abstract. The Topological Radon Theorem states that, for every continuous function from the boundary of a (d + 1)-dimensional simplex into Rn , there exist a pair of disjoint faces...
Craig R. Guilbault
62views more  JAT 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Pointwise estimates for polynomial approximation on the semiaxis
We state some pointwise estimates for the rate of weighted approximation of a continuous function on the semiaxis by polynomials. Similarly to a previous result in C[−1, 1] due ...
Giuseppe Mastroianni, Woula Themistoclakis
141views Education» more  CORR 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Learning Functions of Few Arbitrary Linear Parameters in High Dimensions
Let us assume that f is a continuous function defined on the unit ball of Rd , of the form f(x) = g(Ax), where A is a k×d matrix and g is a function of k variables for k ≪ d. ...
Massimo Fornasier, Karin Schnass, Jan Vybír...
87views more  CAGD 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Existence of set-interpolating and energy-minimizing curves
We consider existence of curves c : [0, 1] Rn which minimize an energy of the form c(k) p (k = 1, 2, . . . , 1 < p < ) under side-conditions of the form Gj(c(t1,j), . . . ,...
Johannes Wallner
14 years 2 months ago
Directional dynamics for cellular automata: A sensitivity to initial condition approach
A cellular automaton is a continuous function F defined on a full-shift AZ which commutes with the shift . Often, to study the dynamics of F one only considers implicitly . Howeve...
Mathieu Sablik
66views more  AML 2008»
14 years 3 months ago
Algorithmic randomness of continuous functions
We investigate notions of randomness in the space C(2N ) of continuous functions on 2N . A probability measure is given and a version of the Martin-L
George Barmpalias, Paul Brodhead, Douglas A. Cenze...
14 years 6 months ago
K -Trivial Closed Sets and Continuous Functions
We investigate the notion of K-triviality for closed sets and continuous functions. Every K-trivial closed set contains a K-trivial real. There exists a K-trivial 0 1 class with no...
George Barmpalias, Douglas A. Cenzer, Jeffrey B. R...
14 years 8 months ago
A Lambda Calculus for Real Analysis
Abstract Stone Duality is a revolutionary theory that works directly with computable continuous functions, without using set theory, infinitary lattice theory or a prior theory o...
Paul Taylor 0002