Similarity measures in many real applications generate indefinite similarity matrices. In this paper, we consider the problem of classification based on such indefinite similariti...
When we take a picture through transparent glass the image we obtain is often a linear superposition of two images: the image of the scene beyond the glass plus the image of the sc...
We propose a convex framework for silhouette and stereo fusion in 3D reconstruction from multiple images. The key idea is to show that the reconstruction problem can be cast as one...
A requirement common to most dynamic vision applications is the ability to track objects in a sequence of frames. This problem has been extensively studied in the past few years, ...
Octavia I. Camps, Hwasup Lim, Cecilia Mazzaro, Mar...
3?D shape recovery of non-rigid surfaces from 3?D to 2?D correspondences is an under-constrained problem that requires prior knowledge of the possible deformations. State-of-the-a...
Coronary Heart Disease can be diagnosed by assessing the regional motion of the heart walls in ultrasound images of the left ventricle. Even for experts, ultrasound images are dif...
Given a dense set of imperfect normals obtained by photometric stereo or shape from shading, this paper presents an optimization algorithm which alternately optimizes until conver...