A k-dissection D of a polygon P, is a partition of P into a set of subpolygons {Q1, . . . , Qm} with disjoint interiors such that these can be reassembled to form k polygons P1, ....
We present a simple O(m+n6 / 12 ) time (1+ )-approximation algorithm for the problem of cutting a convex n-gon out of a convex m-gon with line cuts of minimum total cutting length....
Abstract—The range of operating conditions for a seriesparallelnetworkofvariablelinearresistors, voltagesources, and current sources can be represented as a convex polygon in a T...
We introduce a new probing problem: what is the minimum number of cameras at fixed positions necessary and sufficient to reconstruct any strictly convex polygon contained in a dis...
We show that a k-fold covering using translates of an arbitrary convex polygon can be decomposed into Omega(k) covers (using an efficient algorithm). We generalize this result to ...