In many important problems, one uses the median instead of the mean to estimate a population's center, since the former is more robust. But in general, computing the median i...
We study randomized variants of two classical algorithms: coordinate descent for systems of linear equations and iterated projections for systems of linear inequalities. Expanding...
This paper introduces a new algorithm for solving a subclass of quantified constraint satisfaction problems (QCSP) where existential quantifiers precede universally quantified ine...
Alexandre Goldsztejn, Claude Michel, Michel Rueher
In this paper, we are interested in the combinatorial analysis of the whole genome duplication - random loss model of genome rearrangement initiated in [8] and [7]. In this model,...
We study the information-theoretic limits of exactly recovering the support set of a sparse signal, using noisy projections defined by various classes of measurement matrices. Our ...
Wei Wang, Martin J. Wainwright, Kannan Ramchandran
Abstract. Continuous first-order logic is used to apply model-theoretic analysis to analytic structures (e.g. Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces, probability spaces, etc.). Classical co...
A Steiner star for a set P of n points in Rd connects an arbitrary center point to all points of P, while a star connects a point p P to the remaining n-1 points of P. All connec...