We present a framework for approximating the metric TSP based on a novel use of matchings. Traditionally, matchings have been used to add edges in order to make a given graph Eule...
The value 1 problem is a decision problem for probabilistic automata on finite words: given a probabilistic automaton A, are there words accepted by A with probability arbitraril...
— We consider the decentralized binary hypothesis testing problem on trees of bounded degree and increasing depth. For a regular tree of depth t and branching factor k ≥ 2, we ...
Generating multimedia streams, such as in a netradio, is a task which is complex and difficult to adapt to every users’ needs. We introduce a novel approach in order to achieve i...
We introduce streaming tree transducers as an analyzable and expressive model for transforming hierarchically structured data in a single pass. Given a linear encoding of the inpu...
Distributing spatially located heterogeneous workloads is an important problem in parallel scientific computing. We investigate the problem of partitioning such workloads (repres...
Hairpin completion is an abstract operation modeling a DNA biooperation which receives as input a DNA strand w = xαyα, and outputs w = xαy¯αx, where x denotes the Watson-Cric...