The correlation of the result lists provided by search engines is fundamental and it has deep and multidisciplinary ramifications. Here, we present automatic and unsupervised met...
The Lipschitz constant of a finite normal–form game is the maximal change in some player’s payoff when a single opponent changes his strategy. We prove that games with small ...
ibe an algorithm for proving termination of programs abstracted to systems of monotonicity constraints in the integer domain. Monotonicity constraints are a non-trivial extension ...
Michael Codish, Igor Gonopolskiy, Amir M. Ben-Amra...
—In this paper, we introduce a sparse approximation property of order s for a measurement matrix A: xs 2 ≤ D Ax 2 + β σs(x) √ s for all x, where xs is the best s-sparse app...
Given a graph with edge costs, the power of a node is the maximum cost of an edge incident to it, and the power of a graph is the sum of the powers of its nodes. Motivated by appli...
Consumers increasingly go online to rate, review and research products (Jansen, 2010; Litvin et al., 2008). Consequently, websites containing these reviews are becoming targets of...
Myle Ott, Yejin Choi, Claire Cardie, Jeffrey T. Ha...
Logit Dynamics [Blume, Games and Economic Behavior, 1993] is a randomized best response dynamics for strategic games: at every time step a player is selected uniformly at random a...
Vincenzo Auletta, Diodato Ferraioli, Francesco Pas...
: The Bethe Permanent of a Non-Negative Matrix Pascal O. Vontobel HP Laboratories HPL-2011-116 Bethe approximation; Bethe permanent; graph cover; partition function; perfect ma...
Abstract. We propose an extension of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) that allows the joint shape and appearance of foreground objects in cluttered images to be modeled indep...