
91views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
On the Independent Domination Number of Random Regular Graphs
William Duckworth, Nicholas C. Wormald
116views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Finding Large Independent Sets in Polynomial Expected Time
We consider instances of the maximum independent set problem that are constructed according to the following semirandom model. Let Gn,p be a random graph, and let S be a set consis...
Amin Coja-Oghlan
110views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Solving Sparse Random Instances of Max Cut and Max 2-CSP in Linear Expected Time
Abstract. We show that a maximum cut of a random graph below the giantcomponent threshold can be found in linear space and linear expected time by a simple algorithm. In fact, the ...
Alexander D. Scott, Gregory B. Sorkin
74views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Blocking Conductance and Mixing in Random Walks
Ravi Kannan, László Lovász, R...
132views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Duality in Infinite Graphs
The adaption of combinatorial duality to infinite graphs has been hampered by the fact that while cuts (or cocycles) can be infinite, cycles are finite. We show that these obstruc...
Henning Bruhn, Reinhard Diestel
97views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Homomorphism-Homogeneous Relational Structures
We study relational structures (especially graphs and posets) which satisfy the analogue of homogeneity but for homomorphisms rather than isomorphisms. The picture is rather diffe...
Peter J. Cameron, Jaroslav Nesetril
102views more  CPC 2006»
14 years 14 days ago
Quasirandomness, Counting and Regularity for 3-Uniform Hypergraphs
Abstract. The main results of this paper are regularity and counting lemmas for 3uniform hypergraphs. A combination of these two results gives a new proof of a theorem of Frankl an...
W. T. Gowers