d Abstract) Colin Cooper∗ , Martin Dyer† and Catherine Greenhill‡ We consider a simple Markov chain for d-regular graphs on n vertices, and show that the mixing time of this...
Colin Cooper, Martin E. Dyer, Catherine S. Greenhi...
We study a dynamically evolving random graph which adds vertices and edges using preferential attachment and is “attacked by an adversary”. At time t, we add a new vertex xt a...
In 1972, M. Rosenfeld asked if every triangle-free graph could be embedded in the unit sphere Sd in such a way that two vertices joined by an edge have distance more than √ 3 (i...
Abstract. This paper is devoted to an online variant of the minimum spanning tree problem in randomly weighted graphs. We assume that the input graph is complete and the edge weigh...
We continue the study of regular partitions of hypergraphs. In particular we obtain corresponding counting lemmas for the regularity lemmas for hypergraphs from [Regular partitions...
In a previous paper we showed that a random 4-regular graph asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) has chromatic number 3. Here we extend the method to show that a random 6-regular...