Abstract. This work presents a middleware for collaborative applications that increase product and workspace awareness information available to users of computer-aided software eng...
Marco A. S. Mangan, Marcos R. S. Borges, Clá...
The design and deployment of collaboration technology has, until lately been more of an art than a science, but it has produced some solid successes. Commercial groupware products ...
This paper presents Gridcole, a new collaborative learning system that can be easily tailored by educators in order to support their own CSCL scenarios, using computing services pr...
Miguel L. Bote-Lorenzo, Luis M. Vaquero-Gonz&aacut...
In a cluster of many servers containing heterogeneous multimedia learning material and serving users with different backgrounds (e.g. language, interests, previous knowledge, hardw...
Abstract. An attempt is made to characterize situations in which the use of mobile devices can be useful for the development of collaborative systems. Mobile devices have advantage...
The production of geological mapping by conventional processes is a complex work of data gathering and integration, along with expert and team analysis. This process is very time c...