The search for relevant information is often hindered by the initial difficulty in formulating precise requests, and because much knowledge is actually tacit and thus not easily ac...
This work presents a synchronous collaborative graphical editor that implements a proposal of an awareness mechanism of a collaborative artifact evolution. The graphical editor all...
Alexandre Pereira Meire, Marcos R. S. Borges, Rena...
Abstract. Studying and analysing the collaborative behaviour of online learning teams and how this behaviour is related and affects task performance is a complex process. This pap...
Thanasis Daradoumis, Fatos Xhafa, Joan Manuel Marq...
Positive interdependence is the heart of collaborative activities that define collaboration and transform group work into teamwork. To achieve positive interdependence among studen...
The members of a work group need to apply a common strategy to collaboratively solve a problem. A good strategy will mainly depend on the collaboration scenario, participants’ ba...
In a collaborative session users may join and leave. A user who joins a session is called a latecomer. A latecomer needs the current state of the collaborative session to participa...
Abstract. In this paper we present the use of adaptation techniques to dynamically generate adaptive collaborative Web-based courses. These courses are generated at runtime by sele...
Abstract. There has been much research on the design of Groupware, its potential benefits and the methods used to develop systems to support groups. However, in many real life case...
Meetingware supports, manages, guides and stimulates participation in meetings. The evaluation of meetingware has not yet produced concluding results due to many reasons, one of th...