This paper proposes a new type of cache-collision timing attacks on software implementations of AES. Our major technique is of differential nature and is based on the internal cryp...
Andrey Bogdanov, Thomas Eisenbarth, Christof Paar,...
Abstract. Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows a semi-trusted proxy to convert a ciphertext originally intended for Alice into one encrypting the same plaintext for Bob. The proxy only...
Sherman S. M. Chow, Jian Weng, Yanjiang Yang, Robe...
Abstract. This article investigates the relevance of the theoretical framework on profiled side-channel attacks presented by F.-X. Standaert et al. at Eurocrypt 2009. The analyses ...
Verifiably encrypted signature schemes (VES) allow a signer to encrypt his or her signature under the public key of a trusted third party, while maintaining public signature verifi...
Abstract. We propose a new protocol providing cryptographically secure authentication to unaided humans against passive adversaries. We also propose a new generic passive attack on...
Hassan Jameel Asghar, Josef Pieprzyk, Huaxiong Wan...
Abstract. We present an efficient implementation of the Orlandi protocol which is the first implementation of a protocol for multiparty computation on arithmetic circuits, which is...
Thomas P. Jakobsen, Marc X. Makkes, Janus Dam Niel...
Abstract. Web advertisers prefer the cost-per-action (CPA) advertisement model whereby an advertiser pays a web publisher according to the actual amount of transactions, rather tha...
Assume that a client outsources his database to a remote storage-provider (the server), so that for privacy reasons, the client's database is encrypted by his secret key. Duri...