Genetic algorithms are heuristic search algorithm used in science, engineering and many other areas. They are powerful but slow because of their evolutionary nature that mimics th...
This paper reports that in parallel Monte-Carlo simulations of the 2D Ising-Model, commonly used pseudo-random number generators (PRNG) lead to manifestly erroneous results. When ...
Hyo Ashihara, Ai Kuramoto, Isaku Wada, Makoto Mats...
- The purpose of this paper is to develop an algorithm to determine the Hamilton Circuit in a given graph of degree three. This algorithm will find Hamilton Circuit in polynomial s...
Ghulam Mustafa Babar, Malik Sikander Hayat Khiyal,...
-- A computer program has been developed to simulate the helium atom scattering from stepped surface for both up hill and down hill scattering with diffraction kinematics chosen to...
Alauddin Ahmed, Ahmed Ryadh Hasan, Durdana Islam, ...
Design and application of super elements in efficient prediction of the structural behaviour in a short time has been one of the research interests in the last decade. A new 16-no...