Abstract - In this paper we investigate the generation and structure of roll waves flows down a porous inclined plane and subjected to an applied surface shear stress. The unsteady...
In this paper, a new method is proposed in order to evaluate the stochastic solution of linear random differential equation. The method is based on the combination of the probabili...
Hypervelocity collisions with space debris (SD, natural meteoroids and man-made artifacts) can significantly affect the performance of spacecraft. Here, I use an adaptivemesh Eule...
Partitions of a plane, based on two or three of its points, are introduced. The study of these partitions is applied to finding the minimal enclosing circle (MEC) for a set S of n...
Abstract: Tikhonov regularization is a popular and effective method for the approximate solution of illposed problems, including Fredholm equations of the first kind. The Tikhonov ...
An addition chain for a natural number n is a sequence 1 = a0 < a1 < . . . < ar = n of numbers such that for each 0 < i r, ai = aj + ak for some 0 k j < i. Thurbe...
The computation of radiative effects by the Photon Monte Carlo method is computationally demanding, especially when complex, nongray absorption models are employed. To solve such c...
Kamal Viswanath, Ivana Veljkovic, Paul E. Plassman...
- We develop a numerical scheme for computing the solution of a generalized version of Fisher's equation. The main idea is to use a modi ed Crank-Nicolson method in order to c...
Miguel Olmos-Gomez, Merced Arriaga-Gutierrez, Vali...
: - There are many numerical methods adopted to solve mathematical problems. Early researchers focused on the methods to reduce computational costs. In recent years, reduction in c...