This paper explores and evaluates the support for objectfocused collaboration provided by a desktop Collaborative Virtual Environment. The system was used to support an experiment...
Jon Hindmarsh, Mike Fraser, Christian Heath, Steve...
Users of synchronous groupware systems act both as individuals and as members of a group, and designers must try to support both roles. However, the requirements of individuals an...
Current systems for real-time distributed CSCW are largely rooted in traditional GUI-based groupware and voice/video conferencing methodologies. In these approaches, interactions ...
The Artefact framework supports collaborative applications using standard browsers, a lightweight general-purpose Java applet, and HTML representations of objects and actions. We ...
Jeff Brandenburg, Boyce Byerly, Tom Dobridge, Jink...
Meme Tags are part of a body of research on GroupWear: a wearable technology that supports people in the formative stages of cooperative work. Conference participants wear Meme Ta...
Richard Borovoy, Fred Martin, Sunil Vemuri, Mitche...
CSCW seems to have a persistent problem of understanding the nature of “cooperative work”. This paper argues that this problem is a direct result of not looking at the dynamic...
The term organizational memory is due for an overhaul. Memory appears to be everywhere in organizations; yet, the term has been limited to a few uses. In this paper we examine wha...