Social resources like trust and shared identity make it easier for people to work and play together. Such social resources are sometimes referred to as social capital. Thirty year...
Paul Resnick, Tora K. Bikson, Elizabeth D. Mynatt,...
Companies are experimenting with putting teams into warrooms, hoping for some productivity enhancement. We conducted a field study of six such teams, tracking their activity, atti...
Stephanie Teasley, Lisa Covi, Mayuram S. Krishnan,...
In general, collaboration infrastructures have supported sharing of an object based on its logical structure. However, current implementations assume an implicit binding between t...
In asynchronous collaborative applications, users usually collaborate accessing and modifying shared information independently. We have designed and implemented a replicated objec...
We discuss findings from an ethnographic study of instant messaging (IM) in the workplace and its implications for media theory. We describe how instant messaging supports a varie...
A significant problem with telephone communication is that callers do not have enough awareness about the Personal Presence of people they want to call. The result can be unwanted...
Locating the expertise necessary to solve difficult problems is a nuanced social and collaborative problem. In organizations, some people assist others in locating expertise by ma...
Environmental factors affecting shared spaces are typically designed to appeal to the broadest audiences they are expected to serve, ignoring the preferences of the people actuall...
In this paper we investigate how consistency can be ensured for replicated continuous interactive media, i.e., replicated media which change their state in reaction to user initia...