In this paper, we present a statistical saturation attack that combines previously introduced cryptanalysis techniques against block ciphers. As the name suggests, the attack is st...
Zero-knowledge set is a primitive introduced by Micali, Rabin, and Kilian (FOCS 2003) which enables a prover to commit a set to a verifier, without revealing even the size of the...
We introduce the first universally anonymous, thus key-private, IBE whose security is based on the standard quadratic residuosity assumption. Our scheme is a variant of Cocks IBE...
In the setting of multiparty computation a set of parties with private inputs wish to compute some joint function of their inputs, whilst preserving certain security properties (l...
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) allows a proxy to convert a ciphertext encrypted under one key into an encryption of the same message under another key. The main idea is to place as lit...
Giuseppe Ateniese, Karyn Benson, Susan Hohenberger
Abstract. Fault Analysis is a powerful cryptanalytic technique that enables to break cryptographic implementations embedded in portable devices more efficiently than any other tech...