
134views more  JAIHC 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Towards a new human-centred computing methodology for cooperative ambient intelligence
Cooperative ambient intelligence aims to improve users’ work and private life by analysing their current situation with a special focus on their social interaction and to adapt t...
Tom Gross
14 years 4 months ago
Agent-Based Perception of an Environment in an Emergency Situation
Abstract—We are interested in the problem of multiagent systems development for risk detecting and emergency response in an uncertain and partially perceived environment. The eva...
Fahem Kebair, Frédéric Serin, Cyrill...
14 years 4 months ago
Opportunity Recognition in Complex Environments
An agent operating in an unpredictable world must be able to take advantage of opportunities but cannot afford to perform a detailed analysis of the effects of every nuance of the...
Louise Pryor
14 years 4 months ago
Analysis and Intelligent Support of Learning Communities in Semi-structured Discussion Environments
: Conventional discussion environments provide the technical platform for distributed discussion and collaboration, but apart from some statistical data collected, rarely provide i...
Andreas Harrer
14 years 4 months ago
Situation Awareness and Secondary Task Performance While Driving
For safe driving it is necessary that the drivers perceive the relevant objects of a situation, comprehend the meaning of these objects to form a holistic understanding of the curr...
Martin R. K. Baumann, Diana Rösler, Josef F. ...
14 years 5 months ago
Reasoning from Desires to Intentions: A Dialectical Framework
Here, we define a framework where defeasible argumentation is used for reasoning about beliefs, desires and intentions. A dialectical filtering process is introduced to obtain a...
Nicolás D. Rotstein, Alejandro Javier Garc&...
14 years 5 months ago
Grounded Event-Based and Modal Representations for Objects, Relations, Beliefs, Etc.
Intelligent software agents (agents) adhering to the action selection paradigm have only one primary task that they need accomplish at any given time: to choose their next action....
Ryan James McCall, Stan Franklin, David Friedlande...
14 years 8 months ago
Copyright Issues for MKM
Abstract. We present an overview of the current situation and recent and expected future developments in areas of copyright law and economics relevant to Mathematical Knowledge Man...
Andrew A. Adams, James H. Davenport
136views Robotics» more  IROS 2007»
14 years 9 months ago
Using case-based reasoning for autonomous vehicle guidance
— Vehicle guidance in complex scenarios such as inner-city traffic requires an in-depth understanding of the current situation. In order to select the appropriate behavior for a...
Stefan Vacek, Tobias Gindele, Johann Marius Zö...