We consider parametric curves that are represented by combination of control points and basis functions. We let a control point vary while the rest is held fixed. We show that the...
In this paper, the geometric Lagrange interpolation of four points by planar cubic Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curves is studied. It is shown that such an interpolatory curve exist...
A plane algebraic curve can be represented as the zero-set of a polynomial in two - or if one takes homogenous coordinates: three - variables. The coefficients of the polynomial de...
When fitting a parametric curve through a sequence of points, it is important in applications that the curve should not exhibit unwanted oscillations. In this paper we take the vi...
Curves on surfaces play an important role in computer-aided geometric design. Because of the considerably high degree of exact curves on surfaces, approximation algorithms are pre...
Yi-Jun Yang, Song Cao, Jun-Hai Yong, Hui Zhang, Je...
When designing curves on surfaces the need arises to approximate a given noisy target shape by a smooth fitting shape. We discuss the problem of fitting a B-spline curve to a poin...
Abstract We describe a method to approximate a segment of the intersection curve of two implicitly defined surfaces by a rational parametric curve. Starting from an initial soluti...
Recent studies have shown that embedding similarity/dissimilarity measures between distributions in the variational level set framework can lead to effective object segmentation/t...
—The precision-recall curve (PRC) has become a widespread conceptual basis for assessing classification performance. The curve relates the positive predictive value of a classi...
Kay Henning Brodersen, Cheng Soon Ong, Klaas Enno ...
We present an algorithm which robustly computes the intersection curve(s) of an under-constrained piecewise polynomial system consisting of n equations with n + 1 unknowns. The so...