Abstract. This paper presents a novel measure of image similarity, called quantitative-qualitative measure of mutual information (Q-MI), for multi-modal image registration. Convent...
Abstract. Important attributes of 3D brain segmentation algorithms include robustness, accuracy, computational efficiency, and facilitation of user interaction, yet few algorithms ...
Most variational active contour models are designed to find the “desirable” local minima of data-dependent energy functionals with the hope of avoiding undesirable configurat...
Abstract. Markov Random Fields (MRFs) are a popular and wellmotivated model for many medical image processing tasks such as segmentation. Discriminative Random Fields (DRFs), a dis...
Chi-Hoon Lee, Mark Schmidt, Albert Murtha, Aalo Bi...
In this paper we present a new framework for image segmentation using probabilistic multinets. We apply this framework to integration of regionbased and contour-based segmentation ...
Analysis of medical images, especially the extraction of anatomical structures, is a critical component of many medical applications: surgical planning and navigation, and populati...
In this paper, a novel one-element voxel attribute, namely distance-intensity (DI), is defined for associating spatial information with image intensity for registration tasks. For...
Abstract. This paper presents the creation of 3D statistical shape models of the knee bones and their use to embed information into a segmentation system for MRIs of the knee. We p...
Jurgen Fripp, Pierrick Bourgeat, Andrea J. U. Mewe...
Abstract. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) reconstructions and 3D Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) are the modalities of choice for diagnosis of vascular diseases. However...
Charles Florin, James Williams, Ali Khamene, Nikos...
Segmentation of medical images is an important first step in the analysis of medical images. A lot of research has been performed on the segmentation of complex CT/MR images using...