Natural images are approximately scale invariant resulting in long range statistical regularities that typically obey a power law. For example, images have considerable regularity...
We present a novel representation and method for detecting and explaining anomalous activities in a video stream. Drawing from natural language processing, we introduce a represen...
Raffay Hamid, Amos Y. Johnson, Samir Batta, Aaron ...
In this paper we present a novel learning based method for restoring and recognizing images of digits that have been blurred using an unknown kernel. The novelty of our work is an...
Mithun Das Gupta, ShyamSundar Rajaram, Nemanja Pet...
Images and other high-dimensional data can frequently be characterized by a low dimensional manifold (e.g. one that corresponds to the degrees of freedom of the camera). Recently,...
Ali Ghodsi, Jiayuan Huang, Finnegan Southey, Dale ...
We present a "parts and structure" model for object category recognition that can be learnt efficiently and in a semisupervised manner: the model is learnt from example ...
This paper addresses the problem of reconstructing the geometry and color of a Lambertian scene, given some fully calibrated images acquired with wide baselines. In order to compl...
This paper introduces a formulation which allows using wavelet-based priors for image segmentation. This formulation can be used in supervised, unsupervised, or semisupervised mod...
Matrix factorization has many applications in computer vision. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is the standard algorithm for factorization. When there are outliers and missing ...
We present a multiscale method for motion segmentation. Our method begins with local, ambiguous optical flow measurements. It uses a process of aggregation to resolve the ambiguit...