The performance of part-based object detectors generally degrades for highly flexible objects. The limited topological structure of models and pre-specified part shapes are two ...
Longitudinal data arises in many applications in which the goal is to understand changes in individual entities over time. In this paper, we present a method for analyzing longitu...
Image denoising can be described as the problem of mapping from a noisy image to a noise-free image. The best currently available denoising methods approximate this mapping with c...
Harold Christopher Burger, Christian J. Schuler, S...
In this paper, we propose a rank minimization method to fuse the predicted confidence scores of multiple models, each of which is obtained based on a certain kind of feature. Spe...
We present a novel technique for figure-ground segmentation, where the goal is to separate all foreground objects in a test image from the background. We decompose the test image...
This paper investigates how to parse (segment) facial components from face images which may be partially occluded. We propose a novel face parser, which recasts segmentation of fa...
In this paper, we deal with the estimation of body and head poses (i.e orientations) in surveillance videos, and we make three main contributions. First, we address this issue as ...
Object detectors are typically trained on a large set of still images annotated by bounding-boxes. This paper introduces an approach for learning object detectors from realworld w...
Alessandro Prest, Christian Leistner, Javier Civer...
It has recently been shown that only a small number of samples from a low-rank matrix are necessary to reconstruct the entire matrix. We bring this to bear on computer vision prob...
Stereopsis provides an additional depth cue and plays an important role in the human vision system. This paper explores stereopsis for saliency analysis and presents two approache...