
13 years 11 months ago
Point-set algorithms for pattern discovery and pattern matching in music
An algorithm that discovers the themes, motives and other perceptually significant repeated patterns in a musical work can be used, for example, in a music information retrieval sy...
David Meredith
13 years 11 months ago
Are we Ready to Embrace the Semantic Web?
action from low level features to high level semantics. Owing to the proliferation of multimedia content in the internet, there is widespread interest in the semantic web community...
Shankar Vembu, Stephan Baumann
13 years 11 months ago
Structural Descriptors for 3D Shapes
Assessing the similarity among 3D shapes is a challenging research topic, and effective shape descriptions have to be devised in order to support the matching process. There is a ...
Michela Spagnuolo, Silvia Biasotti, Bianca Falcidi...
13 years 11 months ago
Partial Matching by Structural Descriptors
The extended abstract describes a method for recognizing similar sub-parts of objects described by 3D polygonal meshes. The innovation of this method is the coupling of structure a...
Simone Marini, Silvia Biasotti, Bianca Falcidieno
13 years 11 months ago
Efficient multi-step query processing for EMD-based similarity
Abstract. Similarity search in large multimedia databases requires efficient query processing based on suitable similarity models. Similarity models consist of a feature extraction...
Ira Assent, Thomas Seidl
13 years 11 months ago
Adaptive Triangular System Solving
Abstract. We propose a new adaptive algorithm for the exact simultaneous resolution of several triangular systems over finite fields: it is composed of several practicable variants...
Jean-Guillaume Dumas, Clément Pernet, Jean-...
13 years 11 months ago
DecSerFlow: Towards a Truly Declarative Service Flow Language
The need for process support in the context of web services has triggered the development of many languages, systems, and standards. Industry has been developing software solutions...
Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Maja Pesic
13 years 11 months ago
Approaches to Compute Workflow Complexity
-- During the last 20 years, complexity has been an interesting topic that has been investigated in many fields of science, such as biology, neurology, software engineering, chemis...
Jorge Cardoso
13 years 11 months ago
Model-Driven and Pattern-Based Integration of Process-Driven SOA Models
Service-oriented architectures (SOA) are increasingly used in the context of business processes. However, the modeling approaches for process-driven SOAs do not yet sufficiently i...
Uwe Zdun, Schahram Dustdar
13 years 11 months ago
Towards UML Modelling Extra-Functional Properties in Web Services and their Clients
Web Services provide our systems with a platform independent and loosely coupled implementation environment, being time to face how the named systems can be modelled. Service Compo...
Guadalupe Ortiz, Juan Hernández