Abstract. MALLET is a team-oriented agent specification and programming language. In this paper, we define an operational semantics for MALLET in terms of a transition system. Th...
Xiaocong Fan, John Yen, Michael S. Miller, Richard...
Abstract. We propose a declarative framework for modelling multi-agent systems and specify a number of properties of these systems and agents within them. The framework is parametr...
Andrea Bracciali, Paolo Mancarella, Kostas Stathis...
Declarative modelling approaches in principle assume a notion of representation or representational content for the modelling concepts. The notion of representational content as di...
Engineering systems of heterogeneous agents is a difficult task; one of the ways for achieving the successful industrial deployment of agent technology is the development of engine...
Matteo Baldoni, Cristina Baroglio, Ivana Gungui, A...
Ad hoc networks may be viewed as computational systems whose members may fail to, or choose not to, comply with the rules governing their behaviour. We are investigating to what ex...
Alexander Artikis, Lloyd Kamara, Jeremy Pitt, Mare...
This article investigates the intensional programming paradigm for agent communication by introducing context as a first class object in the intensional programming language Lucid...