Compound methods have been shown to be very e ective in the construction of broadcast graphs. Compound methods generate a large broadcast graph by combining multiple copies of a b...
Michael J. Dinneen, Jose A. Ventura, Mark C. Wilso...
Several graph problems (e.g., steiner tree, connected domination, hamiltonian path, and isomorphism problem), which can be solved in polynomial time for distance-hereditary graphs...
Parity graphs form a superclass of bipartite and distance-hereditary graphs. Since their introduction, all the algorithms proposed as solutions to the recognition problem and othe...
We survey results on the sequential and parallel complexity of hamiltonian path and cycle problems in various classes of digraphs which generalize tournaments. We give detailed in...
Whereas Stanley, Proctor and others studied Sperner properties of the poset L(k; m) we consider shadows of left-compressed sets and derive asymptotic bounds on their sizes. ? 1999...