This paper presents an optimal fully dynamic recognition algorithm for directed cographs. Given the modular decomposition tree of a directed cograph G, the algorithm supports arc ...
To a set of n points in the plane, one can associate a graph that has less than n2 vertices and has the property that k-cliques in the graph correspond vertex sets of convex k-gon...
The aim of edge modification problems is to change the edge set of a given graph as little as possible in order to satisfy a certain property. Edge modification problems in graphs...
Let P be a combinatorial optimization problem, and let A be an approximation algorithm for P. The domination ratio domr(A, s) is the maximal real q such that the solution x(I) obt...
Andrews et al. [Automatic method for hiding latency in high bandwidth networks, in: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1996, pp. 257
Christos Kaklamanis, Danny Krizanc, Manuela Montan...