
84views more  JDI 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
XML-Based DICOM Data Format
y was conducted by Cong Yu and Zhihong Yao. The abstract of the study is as follows: To enhance the readability, improve the structure, and facilitate the sharing of digital imag...
Cong Yu 0002, Zhihong Yao
111views more  NAR 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
Michigan Molecular Interactions (MiMI): putting the jigsaw puzzle together
Protein interaction data exists in a number of repositories. Each repository has its own data format, molecule identifier and supplementary information. Michigan Molecular Interac...
Magesh Jayapandian, Adriane Chapman, V. Glenn Tarc...
71views more  STANDARDVIEW 1998»
14 years 2 months ago
Network externalities in software systems
Network externalities are the effects on the value of a product that can be ascribed to the presence of a network of users of such product. They play an essential role in the busi...
Giancarlo Succi, Paolo Predonzani, Andrea Valerio,...
14 years 4 months ago
Optimizing Performance of Web Services with Chunk-Overlaying and Pipelined-Send
The performance of a Web service is primarily dependent on the design and implementation of its SOAP toolkit. SOAP is widely implemented using HTTP as the transport protocol and X...
Nayef Abu-Ghazaleh, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Micha...
14 years 9 months ago
Distributed Technologies for Remote Access of HDF Data
Scientific simulations and experiments use sophisticated data formats to store and access their data. An example of such a format is the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF), commonly u...
Svetlana G. Shasharina, Chuang Li, Nanbor Wang, Ro...